Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Welcome back.

Ahhhh. Arizona. Warm, sunny, windy, bugs (red flying beetles); wasps - lots of wasps. And hot. Ninety degrees. A dry heat. There was much talk about the appropriate attire - but after tank tops and a speedo (not USEF approved) or going commando (probably not really comfortable either) - I did not want to know anymore.

It is pretty quite on the western front - or southern front. Not at huge amount of entries this week. I was busy setting up a fun and challenging grid for Steph in our own private schooling area. Not like Feb/March for sure.
We are getting excited for our multiple Halloween parties. One at the horse show and a block party where we are living.
Pumpkin carving (we will miss you Telly); costumes (yes Mickey Mouse came to play); food and drink - lots of drink for all (we miss you Ali, Lori, Amy & Katherine). As for the rest of the family - Kent and Janine will be winging their way to Europe. Mmmmm. Arizona vs. Europe! Europe vs. Arizona! Good choice guys. Alyssa and Tyler will be holding down the fort at home. So are Bill and Mandy at WG.
Well we will continue to keep you posted on all the troubles we get into.
Our digs are awesome. There will be pictures tomorrow.
(p.s. Fern - Kyle is here!!!! We will get you another picture as you are his biggest fan)

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