Saturday, February 14, 2009

What I have learned. By Shelby Edwards

I learned I must keep a rhythmic ride with the stride staying the same. I will not run down the hill in the Grand Prix ring; towards the ingate; with a big smile on my face as I am winning the class - I just know it. But then I invent a new sport - how far can I move the last jump from it's original position in the ring. Kinda like javelin but with showjumps.
I learned about a new method of putting a hairnet on. The pressure sores on my ears are a bit painful though. I learned I do not have enough hands. How do you hold the reins when you have to whip walk the course and drink water. What is a girl to do? The drug testers are not really scouts looking to find America's Next Top Rider (Is it me? Is it me?) I can survive at a show without my mom. Shhhhhhh!!!!!!! Don't tell my mom - she will be hurt. Of course I had Brie and Victor to look after me. Oh yeah and Ali. And Jenelle. Pony riders are terrifying. Especially the run away one that jumped out of the ring and ran the girl into the tree. Ouch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my-I'm glad I ride good ponies!!!!!
Janna :)