Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Puppies coming up to six weeks old

Fun in Kelowna

The fun classes in the jumper ring entertained all. The Hoof and Woof relay and the puppy lead line were the highlights.

More of the 'A' Team & their support staff (dogs)


Joey can run too!

At the Ring in Hunterland Part 2

Ring Prep by Donna


Course Designer Chris Jones and Hunter Judge Gary Striker

"Chucky Love" on the move to get a fallen rail.

Barn Prep

At the ring Part 1

Ingate Goddess Judy Cummings from Victoria
Parental Units Herb & Donna Hammer as well as Kevin and Christine Budd. Where are Wade and Lori??? Partaking in the Wine Festival perhaps?
Some of Team Willow Grove at the ringside. Seems like I joined the finger walking, pointing craze. Maybe it is contagious.